A dark pattern is “a user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying overpriced insurance with their purchase or signing up for recurring bills” Wikipedia Most dark patterns follow the definition above, they’re there to trick you into doing something. Think Ryanair around 2011. Those £5 flights end up being £50 […]
A person’s title can say a lot about them. If they’re married, have a PhD, are a medical Doctor, or if they’re King of a country. What it can’t tell you, is their weight. That’s what TUI realised when they were caught using women’s title to work out if they’re a child or not. For […]
With every boundary that is pushed – there will always be people saying you’ve gone too far. Smartphones are ruining conversations, facial recognition is destroying privacy, and AI is going to take over the world.
The toast to the lassies is a key part of a Burns Supper. It started originally as a ‘cheers for cooking’ but as times have moved on, it has evolved into an opportunity for men to take part in some light hearted ribbing of the ladies in the room. The ladies do get to have […]
Yes. Yes it does. CES is the shining beacon of tech conferences. It’s the biggest tech event of the year where not only the big boys get to show off their latest Alexa enabled device, but the small innovative startups get to show off their wears. The publicity alone from a demo at CES can […]
In a stunning swap of industries, FortaCloud has switched to being a lingerie company! Or at least that’s what their latest Twitter Advert looks like…. 50% off Mondays. Promo Code: 50OFFMONDAY. Limited to first 150 signups. #VPS #COUPON http://t.co/8i23C3VBPQpic.twitter.com/cdED6bhRqX — FORTAcloud (@FortaCloud) May 18, 2015 Now…. as adverts go its not a bad attempt. It is eye-catching, makes good […]